Friday, March 12, 2004

The three core symptoms of ADHD are:


Overly impulsive; seem unable to curb immediate reactions or think before saying things to friends or co-workers; may have problems with gambling or shopping.


Always seem to be in motion; may have trouble sitting still for long periods of time; may talk incessantly or fidget constantly. (In adults, the hyperactivity component is not always present, and a diagnosis of ADD may be more appropriate.)


May have trouble following conversations or keeping mind focused on one thing for any real length of time; is easily bored with a task after only a few minutes.



That certainly explains why I find myself updating my blog, when I should indeed be working on my latest article for Fangoria. I have to remember that the last article took me a really frickin' long time to complete because they gave me a lengthy deadline. On this one, I was essentially given a month to do it, and the worst part is that I can't remember how long it took me to do all the transcriptions. All I know is that I'm on page 6 of my interviews and I haven't even gotten through 30 minutes of audo tape (my last article, I compiled about 18 pages worth of interviews).

While I have never been formally diagnosed, I'm starting to realize that I do display several of the characteristics described above (either that, or I'm a hypochondriac). But I'm starting to realize that this wasn't really known way back in the day, way before they started doping kids with ritalin. Had they had known about ADD when I was a kid, it'd be likely that I'd have been diagnosed with it.

It's a pretty scary thing when child behavior can be modified with the regular doping with ritalin and other psychoactive meds. There are reasons why kids have short attention spans. You have kids that can stay focused on certain activities that they enjoy, but when they are forced to sit in a classroom for hours on end, their minds start to wander. Given in this computerized day and age, when kids are receiving information at the speed of light, that when forced to read an actual book, their focus starts to drift?

Psychoactive meds are a bandaid solution for a situation requiring a tourniquet, as it doesn't address many issues, such as the fact that current education standards aren't keeping up with technology. Let's face it. Class is boring and many teachers aren't willing to address this fact, instead opting for psychoactive meds to keep the kids in line.

I have yet to go through a formal diagnosis (I can't seem to stay focused long enough to find a doctor who can do a proper diagnosis), and admittedly I am a little weary of psychoactive medication that may cause permanent personality shifts, as there are ways around the disorder, should I actually be diagnosed with it.

But then, it does make for a nice excuse, should I fail to make deadline.

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