Friday, September 30, 2005

Hey, folks. I just started up a new webcomic/blog as an archive for my first comic strip, Major Studio Production, as featured in the Douglas College student newspaper, The Other Press. The comic strip is done entirely using the program Microsoft Paint for an intentionally crude look. Styles and genres will be everything from social commentary to witty satire to juvenile toilet humour. Enjoy.

To read strips, click HERE

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Thursday, September 22, 2005

If I was a professional makeup effects artist, I would be on this site every day. was launched this month. The title is fairly's the equivalent of, but for scar tissue. Some of these have interesting stories to them, some tragic, some hilarious. Me, having a buncha scars from doing a buncha really stupid things, I decided that I had to contribute as well. Twice.

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Monday, September 05, 2005

Toquinha (yours truly), Ingrasado, and Bala

Roda: Cacau vs. Tubarao

Roda: Barravento (L) vs. Fala Mansa

Meet the Mestres, Contra Mestres, Instrutores, and Professores

Maculele: Leo and Veneno

Roda: Instrutor Instigado and Contra Mestre Fabio (mid-air)


Contra Mestre Gordo leads the roda

Ache Brasil Calgary

Mestres of Capoeira. L-R: Mestre Eclison, Mestre Elisio, Contra Mestre Fabio, Contra Mestre Gordo, Professore Sapo, Mestre Elias, Profesore Reni, Monitor Super Homem, Instructore Instigado, Mestre Batata

Capoeira bateria (musicians)

Three days of music, martial arts, dance, and acrobatics equals one sore back, stiff hips, calloused feet, and split skin on my hands from endless clapping. Oh, and I am also the proud owner of a new belt level, moving up from verde claro ("light green") to verde escuro ("dark green"). Thus was the annual 2005 Batizado weekend with Capoeira Ache Brasil. Will remember to train extra hard as to qualify for an amarelo ("yellow") belt next year.

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Thursday, September 01, 2005

And, on a slightly lighter note...can you come up with a better caption than I can?

"No more listening to heavy metal!"

For this, I got to play the part of a telemarketer for the short film, Lady Luck and Razor Tongue, to be screened next Saturday at Tinseltown as part of the Vancouver Asian Film festival. Also, on a sorta funny note, I was also doing sound recording for the film.

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