Saturday, April 09, 2005

Quick reader survey: Who's reading this thing anyway?

I've been seeing a few more hits than usual over the past week, which is great, because more people read my stuff. So, either I'm getting a lot more readers, people I know are reading this site more regularly, or I have an obsessed fan that keeps hitting the refresh button on the browser. So, a lightning fast survey...

1: Is this your first time reading?

2: If not, do you regularly check this blog for new entries? (eg: once a week, once a month, etc.)

3: If so, do you have a particular favourite entry?

4: What would you like to see me talk about? Name at least two things.

5: Demographics question: what is your age/sex/location?

6: How did you find out about this blog?

Please fill out by leaving a comment. Thanks!

Squeeky Wheels

Today, to finish off my last day of classes and exams, I went with my class to the Old Spaghetti Factory restaurant. A member of my class ordered a Ceasar, which was not made to her liking, so she ordered another drink. To avoid wasting the drink, she passed it off to me. The server assumed I was paying for it and charged me for it, which I wasn't really prepared for (I ended up paying for it). So later, I write up a polite complaint letter and give it to the manager and ended up with a handful of gift certificates.

Now, if this only worked with the government...

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